

Final meeting Comenius in our school

      On 23rd June 2015 there was a special meeting of all students who participated in Comenius Project 2013-2015 ‘S.O.S.-Time’.

      Coordinator of the project, Aleksandra Lugiewicz thanked the students for their work and engagement. Participants were given lovely diplomas: COMENIUS 2013- 2015- Italy- Turkey- Poland and presents in forms of leaflets about project schools and meetings in Turkey, Italy, Poland.

Partners meetings:

1.Turkey - November 2013

2.Poland - May 2014

3.Italy - October 2014

4.Turkey - June 2015

                                                        Project coordinator

                                                        Aleksandra Lugiewicz


May 2015

We started working intensely and with enormous enthusiasm on our project activity. Preparations to making a short video about Polish greatest composer- Frederic Chopin are in full swing. We are extremely engaged as it is our last task to do. On Friday, 17 April we went on a trip to Szafarnia- a place, where young Frederic used to spend his summer holidays. Visiting a mansion, interviews with a tour guide, taking part in a Chopin’s music concert, walking in a beautiful romantic garden – all that was unforgettable experience for us.

And now we are looking forward to our meeting in Turkey. See you soon in Yalova!!

Italia CWA

 September 2014

 comenius gazeta

September 2014

We have just started the second year of our project work -Comenius School Partnerships. This year seems to be really fascinating because it brings project trips abroad. The first trip very soon, October 11. A group of 8 students and 4 teachers will visit the partner school in Castiglione del Lago, Italy. There, we will meet the second partner- our friends from Turkey. It is going to be great fun.

 St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was also present in our classes. Traditions and customs of Ireland, its history, geography, and the most important figures associated with the country were the subject of the Comenius classes. Thanks to traditional Irish music the atmosphere during the lesson was unique and wonderful.




Castles of the Teutonic Knights

Castles of the Teutonic Knights are the most important activities carried out in the Comenius program. Each of the students involved in the project is preparing a presentation on one of the selected castles. Wąbrzeźno, Malbork, Torun, Golub-Dobrzyn, Radzyn Chełmiński, Kwidzyn, Gniew, Chełmno are separate stories of castles. Their main function was to defend against the enemy. The collected material enriched with photographs will be used to complete the photo album with, according to our students, the most beautiful Teutonic castles.


Educational trip to Museum of Gingerbreads in Torun

 P10203064 march 2014 - Comenius project students took part in a trip to Torun to participate in a workshop in Interactive Museum of Gingerbreads.

Classes there are the interesting form of learning the history of Torun and making gingerbreads in English language.

Our students in an active way participated in the process of production gingerbreads in the sixteenth- century factory. They learnt the whole process of making gingerbreads.

The classes were the perfect way to check own language skills and learn new vocabulary. It was a live lesson of English language to encourage students to bigger effort to make their English better and more fluent.

It was an exciting meeting with historical costumes, great atmosphere and spirit of old times that made our students to work with a big engagement.

The final part of the classes were certificates that participants got for their work.

After that the students spent some time visiting old part of the town, town walls, the remains of the Teutonic castle.

It was the first of the planned trips to follow the most beautiful Teutonic castles in Poland.









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