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Wpisany przez Aleksandra Ługiewicz | |
Products I.Cultural promotion plan - Power Point presentations The idea to create presentations about partner countries, not about own countries was definitely perfect one as it engaged students in their work and was a kind of challenge. All students from Comenius team are responsible of this task. They are to prepare presentations about partners countries-How we see our partners from Turkey and Italy using historical, geographical, cultural and political sides. The presentations will be shown during Comenius Partners Meeting in Poland- May 2014. Our aim – every students engaged in the task is provided that they know the social and cultural sides of the two countries and we aim that these two countries will know about the social and cultural sides of each other as well. English Language Cross- cultural promotion has been ensured with help of students by establishing a dialogue. Geographical, historical, cultural, traditional, artistic structures of countries have been introduced mutually with universal English language and their language they use in actual conversations by sharing their sentence with each other and have established communication quite useful. Students have been relayed their lifestyle each other with subject headings ‘How we see Turkey and Italy’ at English and German lessons of I, II, II, IV grades in Technical College. See our presentation II. Mini album 'The Most Beautiful Teutonic Castles' The aim of our interest in Teutonic Order and Castles was the fact that it is our region where the numerous of beautiful castles and their remains still exist. Our students keen on the history of own area decided that this part of the Polish history will be the subject of the after school activities. The final result is to create a mini album with description and pictures of some castles. Moreover, we will put there some photos from our trips to the nearest castles. III.Day of foreign languages Our aim is to present a kind of performance for all students from our school where elements of history, culture, music, fashion, traditions, sport are included
IV Comenius project web page In September 2013 we created web page for our project. It is a part of school web page made in Polish and English languages. All the information are put both in Polish and English. There are such sections as: General Information about the project, Partners, Visits, News, Products, About us. We regularly complete the page with current events and add photos. There is our QR code. V. PowerPoint presentations about Teutonic castles The task was to collect and work on the material about one of the Teutonic castles, put a number of photos and present it during after class activities. The official show was during partner meeting in May 2014. In general it was 8 presentations about the Teutonic castles- Malbork, Torun, Golub Dobrzyń, Kwidzyn, Chełmno, Radzyn Chełmiński, Człuchów, Gniew. VI. Logo of the project On the first stage of the project work we organized a project logo competition for students from partner schools. During the first meeting in Turkey it was decided that project of our students is the most interesting and should be the symbol of the project. Among lots of work done by students it was us the most successful one. VII. Corridor photo display Regularly, after each important event we create a display of photos and descriptions about the most interesting project events. It is put in the main place in the school corridor and promotes our school and the project. There are flags of partner countries and the map marked places of partners. The photos are changed from time to time. VIII. Program trips In the first year of project work we went for 2 educational trips fully connected with historical tasks of our after school classes. Trips to Teutonic castles in Malbork and Torun brought lots of new things into the picture of these monumental buildings. Both trips were done after a number of classes about Teutonic Order's history and knights' operation. Students worked individually and in a group, presented worked out material. They also prepared virtual trips to the castles.
IX. QR code To make the image of our school more interesting we created QR code for our school address. We put it into a printed album about Teutonic Castles in Poland. It is enough to scan the code and the school address appears on the screen X.Video ‘Inspired by Chopin’
Our aim is: to find out about the greatest Polish composer of Romantic times- Frederic Chopin and make a video.
Our methods :
- Students divided into 4 groups of two.
- - Each group has one task to do ( life of Chopin, family background, early compositions, staying in Szafarnia- place near Wąbrzeźno, life in Paris)
- - Students prepare presentations about Chopin and show them during Saturday classes
- - Meeting to listening Chopin ‘s music ( choice of pieces of music dependable on students)
- - Preparing a screenplay of the video- writing roles, planning details
- - A trip to Szafarnia- holiday destination of Frederic Chopin: visiting Chopin’s museum, park, interview with a museum guide, taking part in a concert of Chopin’s music, discussion with a guide, taking photos, making a video.
- - Work on final works on the video (as homework)
- - Design of a DVD cover.
- - Presentation during Comenius Partners Meeting in Turkey- June 2015.
XI. Video ‘Inspired by Chopin’ and effects to:
- Students of I i II grades -History lesson, Polish language, English, German – students were more familiar with the life and work of Frederic Chopin. XII.Leaflet about Comenius Project ‘S.O.S.-Time’ Our aim- to make a brochure to promote the idea of Comenius project and put photos and information about the project. Our methods: - - Students divided into 4 groups of two - - Each group responsible for their task - - Work on the task to complete material and photos - - Computer work to design frame of the leaflet - - Printing - Ready leaflets to share among schools and institutions (Municipality, Department of Education, Mayor of the town, Starost etc. Leaflet and effects: - All students at school, outside school, residents of the town, local authorities become familiar with the idea of the Comenius project - Leaflet as the example of good practice for another teachers and participants of other projects at school